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Forging the Sampo on the Semantic Web based on Linked Data

Tutorial: How to create a Linked Open Data service and semantic portal for your Cultural Heritage data

Thursday, November 28, 2024, 13:00–16:00 (12:00-15:00 CET)
Aalto University, Espoo, TUAS-house, Maarintie 8, 1007a Learning Hub Atrium (ground floor) and
via Zoom

Learning objectives

Since 2002, the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) has been involved in 1) developing a national semantic web infrastructure and 2) the "Sampo series" of over 20 Linked Open Data (LOD) services and semantic portals on top of them in use on the Web. This work goes on today as part of the national DARIAH-FI research infrastructure program, pertaining to the LOD work package led by the SeCo group. The goal of this tutorial is to explain in practice how the models, tools, datasets, and portals developed can be used for creating new data services and applications for Digital Humanities research, based on one's own data available in different formats.


  • 13:00–13:15 Why use Linked Open Data: Sampo model for creating LOD services and semantic portals (15min)
    Eero Hyvönen
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
Creating Linked Open Data and Service
  • 13:15–13:30 Metadata models and ontologies for knowledge representation (15min)
    Jouni Tuominen
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
  • 13:30–13:45 Creating LOD from databases (15min)
    Annastiiina Ahola, Heikki Rantala
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
  • 13:45–14:00 Semantic enrichment: data linking, reasoning, and knowledge extraction from texts (15min)
    Petri Leskinen, Rafael Leal
    Slides: pdf, Videos in YouTube: Leskinen adn Leal
  • 14:00-14:10 Publishing Sampo data (dump), data service (LDF.fi), and portal on the Web (10min)
    Jouni Tuominen
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
  • 14:10-14:25 Break (15min)
Using the Data Service and Portal
  • 14:25-14:40 Using the LOD service via SPARQL and Notebooks, data analysis, network analysis, and visualizations (15min)
    Petri Leskinen
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
  • 14:40-15:00 Creating a semantic portal easily using Sampo-UI (20min)
    Annastiina Ahola, Heikki Rantala
    Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video
  • 15:00-15:10 Using the portal for Digital Humanities research, ParliamentSampo as an example (10min)
    Heikki Rantala
  • Slides: pdf, Video in YouTube video

More information

Free online video course: Linked Data Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities: Introducing the Semantic Web in Video Lectures

See the project homepage for more detailed explanations of the underlying research.

Following two articles overview our research and lessons learned regarding 1) the national LOD infrastructure and 2) Sampo series of LOD services and semantic portals:

  1. Eero Hyvönen: How to Create a National Cross-domain Ontology and Linked Data Infrastructure and Use It on the Semantic Web. Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, IOS Press, 2024. DOI: 10.3233/SW-243468.
  2. Eero Hyvönen: Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web: Sampo Model and Portal Series. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 729-744, IOS Press, 2023.

"Sampo" is a mythical device playing a central role in the Finnish epic Kalevala. According to a popular interpretation, it is regarded as a metaphor of amazing ancient technology.

Registration for on-site or Zoom participation

The tutorial is free and open for all interested either on-site or virtually via Zoom; the Zoom link is sent to you after registering. If you come to the Aalto University, registration is needed for catering purposes by Monday Nov 25th, 16:00.

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