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Work on Linked Data Infrastructures in SeCo

One of the major missions of the SeCo group is to develop a national Linked Data infrastructure for the Semantic Web in Finland based on international W3C and other standards.

The fork started with the National Semantic Web Ontology Project series FinnONTO that lasted ten years 2003-2012 and was funded by some 50 different organizations. The work continued in the Linked Data Finland project and various other follow up projects, where the focus shifted from ontologies towards linked data, data services, and data analysis. The usability of the work on intrastructures and tools has been tested and demonstrated in applications, e.g., in the Sampo model and Sampo series of semantic portals that have had millions of users on the Web.

At the moment this legacy on infrastructures lives on in SeCo in the initiative Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland (LODI4DH), where a particular focus is on ontologies, datasets, and datasets for Cultural Heritage contents and Digital Humanities research and applications.

This short video presents vision and work behind LODI4DH: Building a National Level Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland.

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