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Conferment Ceremonies of the University of Helsinki on the Semantic Web 1640-1899 |
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Information about this project is available for the time being only at the Finnish homepage.
Contact Person
Prof. Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University and Univerity of Helsinki (HELDIG)
About ConfermentSampo
Eero Hyvönen, Patrik Boman, Heikki Rantala, Annastiiina Ahola and Petri Leskinen: ConfermentSampo - A Knowledge Graph, Data Service, and Semantic Portal for Intangible Academic Cultural Heritage 1643-2023 in Finland. Proceedings of the 6th International Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference, Dec 11-13. 2024, Paris, France, Springer-Verlag, October, 2024. Accepted. bib pdf
Patrik Boman: Promootiosampo: Järjestelmä suomalaisen promootioperinteen kuvaamiseen, julkaisemiseen ja tutkimiseen semanttisessa webissä (ConfermentSampo: A System for modeling, publishing, and studying conferment traditions on the Semantic Web. MSc Thesis (in Finnish), Aalto University, Department of Computer Science, May, 2024. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen, Patrik Boman, Heikki Rantala, Annastiina Ahola and Petri Leskinen: Promootiosampo - Helsingin yliopiston filosofisen tiedekunnan 100 promootiota 1643-2023 semanttisessa webissä. Aalto-yliopisto ja Helsingin yliopisto, Semanttisen laskennan tutkimusryhmä (SeCo), October, 2023. Artikkelin käsikirjoitus, arvioitavana. bib pdf
About earlier Promoottori-application
Eero Hyvönen, Samppa Saarela and Kim Viljanen: Application of Ontology Techniques to View-Based Semantic Search and Browsing. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Proceedings of the First European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS 2004), pp. 92-106, Springer-Verlag, 2004. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen, Samppa Saarela, Avril Styrman and Kim Viljanen: Ontology-Based Image Retrieval. Proceedings of WWW2003, Budapest, Hungary, May, 2003. Poster papers. bib html
Eero Hyvönen, Avril Styrman and Samppa Saarela: Ontology-Based Image Retrieval. Towards the semantic web and web services, Proceedings of XML Finland 2002 Conference, pp. 15-27, Helsinki, Finland, October 21-22, 2002. bib pdf
About AcademySampo
Eero Hyvönen, Petri Leskinen, Henna Poikkimäki, Heikki Rantala, Jouni Tuominen, Senka Drobac, Ossi Koho, Ilona Pikkanen and Hanna-Leena Paloposki: LetterSampo Finland (1809–1917) Data Service and Portal: Searching, Exploring, and Analyzing Historical Letters and Their Underlying Networks. March, 2025. Poster paper, submitted for review. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen, Annastiina Ahola, Petri Leskinen and Jouni Tuominen: SampoSampo: A Portal for Studying Enriched Data and Semantic Connections on a Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data Cloud. March, 2025. Demo paper, submitted for review. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen, Annastiina Ahola, Petri Leskinen, Heikki Rantala and Jouni Tuominen: How to Create a Portal for Digital Humanities Research Using a Linked Open Data Cloud of Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs: Case SampoSampo. 2025. Submitted for review. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen, Annastiina Ahola, Petri Leskinen and Jouni Tuominen: Aggregating and Aligning Knowledge Graphs into a Global Service: SampoSampo System for Cross-cultural Data Search, Exploration, and Analysis. Digital Humanities in Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB 2025). Book of Abstracts., 2025. Short papers. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen, Petri Leskinen, Henna Poikkimäki, Heikki Rantala, Jouni Tuominen, Senka Drobac, Ossi Koho, Ilona Pikkanen and Hanna-Leena Paloposki: Searching, exploring, and analyzing historical letters and the underlying networks: LetterSampo Finland (1809–1917) data service and semantic portal. Digital Humanities in Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB 2025). Book of Abstracts., 2025. Long papers. bib pdf link
Petri Leskinen: Modeling and Using Biographical Linked Data for Prosopographical Data Analysis. Dissertation, Aalto University, School of Science, Department of Computer Science, October, 2024. bib pdf
Petri Leskinen and Eero Hyvönen: Biographical and Prosopographical Analyses of Finnish Academic People 1640–1899 Based on Linked Open Data. Proceedings of the Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022), Tokyo, Institute of Cultural History, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January, 2024. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen: Creating and Using Biographical Dictionaries for Digital Humanities Based on Linked Data: A Survey of Web Services in Use in Finland. Proceedings of the Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022), Tokyo, Institute of Cultural History, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia, January, 2024. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen: Sampo-järjestelmien verkosto avaa linkitettyä kulttuuridataa tutkijoille ja kansalaisille semanttisessa webissä. Tieteessä tapahtuu, no. 2, 2024. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen: How to Create a National Cross-domain Ontology and Linked Data Infrastructure and Use It on the Semantic Web. Semantic Web - Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, IOS Press, 2024. DOI: 10.3233/SW-243468. bib pdf link
Petri Leskinen and Eero Hyvönen: Biographical and Prosopographical Analyses of Finnish Academic People 1640–1899 Based on Linked Open Data. Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022), Tokyo, Proceedings, accepted, August, 2023. Forth-coming. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen: Creating and Using a National Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Applications and Digital Humanities Research: Lessons Learned. DARIAH Annual Event 2023, Budapest, Hungary, abstracts of papers, DARIAH-EU, June, 2023. bib link
Eero Hyvönen: Creating and Using a Linked Open Ontology and Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland: Lessons Learned 2003-2023. June, 2023. Under review. bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen: How to Create a National Cross-domain Ontology and Linked Data Infrastructure and Use It on the Semantic Web. Programming and Data Infrastructure in Digital Humanities, Book of Abstracts, pp. 7, High Performance Computing Centre, University of Évora, Portugal, March, 2023. bib link
Eero Hyvönen: Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web: Sampo Model and Portal Series. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 729-744, IOS Press, 2023. bib pdf link
Bernardo S. Buarque, Aline Deicke, Malte Doehne, Martin Düring, Heiner Fangerau, Catherine Herfeld, Charles van den Heuvel, Eero Hyvönen, Roberto Lalli, Malte Vogl, Lea Weiß, Dirk Wintergrün: White Paper of the ModelSEN Workshop (April 2022). October, 2022. bib link
Petri Leskinen, Heikki Rantala and Eero Hyvönen: Analyzing the Lives of Finnish Academic People 1640–1899 in Nordic and Baltic Countries: AcademySampo Data Service and Portal. DHNB 2022 The 6th Digital Humanities in Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, long papers, Vol. 3232, March, 2022. bib pdf link
Esko Ikkala, Eero Hyvönen, Heikki Rantala and Mikko Koho: Sampo-UI: A Full Stack JavaScript Framework for Developing Semantic Portal User Interfaces. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 69-84, January, 2022. Online version published in 2021, print version in 2022. bib pdf link
Petri Leskinen and Eero Hyvönen: Reconciling and Using Historical Person Registers as Linked Open Data in the AcademySampo Knowledge Graph. Proceedings of the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), Springer, October, 2021. bib pdf link
Petri Leskinen and Eero Hyvönen: Using the AcademySampo Portal and Data Service for Biographical and Prosopographical Research in Digital Humanities. ISWC-Posters-Demos-Industry 2021 International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2021: Posters, Demos, and Industry Tracks, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Oct, 2021. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen, Petri Leskinen, Heikki Rantala, Esko Ikkala and Jouni Tuominen: Akatemiasampo-portaali ja -datapalvelu henkilöiden ja henkilöryhmien historialliseen tutkimukseen (AcademySampo Portal and Data Service for Biographical and Prosopographical Research). Informaatiotutkimus, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 28-56, May, 2021. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen: Semantic Sampo Portals for Digital Humanities Based on a National Linked Open Data Infrastructure. 2020. White paper, Aalto University, Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo). bib pdf
Eero Hyvönen: Sampo Model and Semantic Portals for Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web. DHN 2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference, pp. 373-378, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2612, Riga, Latvia, October, 2020. bib pdf link
Petri Leskinen and Eero Hyvönen: Linked Open Data Service about Historical Finnish Academic People in 1640–1899. DHN 2020 Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference, pp. 284-292, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2612, Riga, Latvia, October, 2020. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen: Tekoäly ja semanttinen web tarjoavat huikeat mahdollisuudet suurten aineistojen hallintaan. Kansallisarkiston strategia 2025, näkökulmia tulevaan (Jussi Nuorteva, Päivi Happonen (ed.)), pp. 20-21, Kansallisarkisto, Helsinki, May, 2020. bib link
Eero Hyvönen: Semanttinen web. Linkitetyn avoimen datan käsikirja (Semantic Web. Handbook of Linked Open Data). pp. 271, Gaudeamus, Helsinki, Finland, March, 2018. bib link