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[In Finnish]
At the Finnish AI Conference,
20 year Anniversary (STeP 2004)

Heureka - the Finnish Science Centre, Vantaa
September 2-3, 2004
Web Intelligence -- Älyä Verkossa

The Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, World Wide Web Consortium W3C, XML Finland Association, Tekes Fenix-program , University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), and Finnish Science Centre Heureka invite all interested people from industry and academia to participate in the Web Intelligence Symposum organized as a part of the 11th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2004 (STeP 2004) . The seminar serves as a meeting point for all interest groups of AI.

The proceedings papers, presentations and panelist talks have now been published at the material page of the Web Intelligence -symposium.

Topics for Paper Submission (closed)

The themes of the Symposium includes all aspects of intelligent systems on the web. The languages of the seminar are Finnish and English.

Submissions are invited in all topics related to intelligent systems on the web, such as the Semantic Web, agent technologies, intelligent web services, web mining, concept-based search etc.

Submission Guidelines

Language of the publication is English. Along with the final papers, the authors are asked to submit the paper abstract in plain ASCII format to be included in the STeP 2004 web pages. The authors can also give a link to their personal home page to be added in the web version of the conference program.

The abstracts and final papers should be formatted along the the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format (select "Information for LNCS Authors"). The paper should be no longer than 15 pages. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Papers are submitted in PDF or PostScript form by email to

Publication of Papers

The selected papers will be published as proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Paper abstracts due June 30th, 2004
  • Notifications of acceptance due July 12th, 2004
  • Final (camera ready papers due August 15th, 2004
  • Web Intelligence Symposium, September 2-3, 2004

Program and Organizing Committee

  • (HY)
  • (HY, XML Finland ry)
  • (W3C)
  • (Tekesin Fenix-ohjelma)
  • (HY, HIIT)
  • (HY, HIIT)
Further information : Professor Eero Hyvönen , University of Helsinki and The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)
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