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Finnish Ontology Service of Historical Places and Maps

This project aims at developing a prototype of a national gazetteer of historical places, based on Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data. This project is an extension and continuation to our work on the Finnish Spatio-Temporal Ontology (SAPO). The project started February 28th 2014 and is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Aalto University.

Service Demonstrator Online

Since Nov 9th, 2015, the service demonstrator has been online at http://hipla.fi

Use Cases

The gazetteer is used in the WarSampo and Reassembling the Republic of Letters projects where historical places (among others) are used as semantic glue for data linking.


The work is supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

More Info

See publications below and service description (in Finnish).

Contact Persons

Prof. Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University

Esko Ikkala, Aalto University

Jouni Tuominen, Aalto University

Eetu Makelä, Aalto University



Eero Hyvönen: Historiallinen paikkatieto semanttisessa webissä: Biografiasampo. Positio, no. 1, Maanmittauslaitos, February, 2019. bib pdf


Esko Ikkala, Eero Hyvönen and Jouni Tuominen: A Crowdsourced Old Map Service for Geocoding, Publishing, and Using Historical Places in Linked Data Applications. Abstracts, 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG 2018), No. 195, Warsaw, Poland, July, 2018. bib pdf
Esko Ikkala, Eero Hyvönen and Jouni Tuominen: An Ontology of World War II Places for Linking and Enriching Heterogeneous Historical Data Sources. Abstracts, 17th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG 2018), No. 194, Warsaw, Poland, July, 2018. bib pdf
Esko Ikkala, Eero Hyvönen and Jouni Tuominen: Geocoding, Publishing, and Using Historical Places and Old Maps in Linked Data Applications. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference, pp. 228-234, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol 2084, Helsinki, Finland, March, 2018. bib pdf link


Esko Ikkala: Suomalainen historiallisten paikkojen ja karttojen ontologiapalvelu. MSc Thesis (in Finnish), Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering, Degree Programme of Automation and Systems Technology, August, 2016. bib pdf link
Historiallinen paikkatieto on keskeisessä asemassa muistiorganisaatioiden kokoelmien hallinnassa ja hyödyntämisessä sekä digitaalisten ihmistieteiden tutkimuksessa. Paikkatiedon käsitteleminen muissa kuin erikoistuneissa paikkatietojärjestelmissä sekä paikkatiedon ajallinen ulottuvuus tuovat mukanaan lukuisia haasteita, joihin linkitetyn datan teknologiat ovat tarjonneet lupaavia ratkaisuja. Tässä työssä esitellään kulttuurialan organisaatioiden tarpeeseen kehitetty uusi linkitetyn datan teknologioihin perustuva historiallisten paikkojen ja karttojen palvelumalli, HIPLA. HIPLA-palvelumallin tavoitteena on tarjota yhteinen näkymä eri organisaatioiden hallinnoimaan paikkatietoon ja mahdollistaa hajautettujen paikkatietoaineistojen yhteisöllinen täydentäminen, haku ja selailu sekä nykyisillä että historiallisilla kartoilla. Lisäksi työssä toteutettiin HIPLA-palvelumallin etuja havainnollistava prototyyppisovellus Hipla.fi, jota pilotoitiin osana talvi- ja jatkosodan aineistoja linkitettynä avoimena datana julkaisevaa Sotasampo-projektia. Pilotoinnin tuloksena syntyi talvi- ja jatkosodan paikkaontologia, joka tarjoaa työkalun sotiin liittyvien aineistojen automaattiselle linkitykselle ja aineistojen maantieteelliselle visualisoimiselle.
Esko Ikkala, Jouni Tuominen and Eero Hyvönen: Contextualizing Historical Places in a Gazetteer by Using Historical Maps and Linked Data. Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2016, short papers, pp. 573-577, Kraków, Poland, July, 2016. bib pdf link
Eero Hyvönen, Esko Ikkala and Jouni Tuominen: Linked Data Brokering Service for Historical Places and Maps. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe), pp. 39-52, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May, 2016. Vol 1608. bib pdf link
This paper presents a new Linked Open Data brokering service model HIPLA for using and maintaining historical place gazetteers and maps based on distributed SPARQL endpoints. The model introduces several novelties: First, the service facilitates collaborative maintenance of geo-ontologies and maps in real time as a side effect of annotating contents in legacy cataloging systems. The idea is to support a collaborative ecosystem of curators that creates and maintains data about historical places and maps in a sustainable way. Second, in order to foster understanding of historical places, the places can be provided on both modern and historical maps, and with additional contextual Linked Data attached. Third, since data about historical places is typically maintained by different authorities and in different countries, the service can be used and extended in a federated fashion, by including new distributed SPARQL endpoints (or other web services with a suitable API) into the system. To test and demonstrate the model, we created the first prototype implementation Hipla.fi of the HIPLA model. Hipla.fi is based on four Finnish datasets in SPARQL endpoints totaling some 840,000 geocoded places on 450 historical maps from two atlas series aligned on modern maps, and on the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) SPARQL endpoint in the US. As a first application, a part of the Hipla.fi data service has been applied in creating a 5 million triple semantic portal of historical Second World War data with tens of thousands of end users.


Eero Hyvönen, Jouni Tuominen, Esko Ikkala and Eetu Mäkelä: Ontology Services Based on Crowdsourcing: Case National Gazetteer of Historical Places. Proceedings of the ISWC 2015 Posters & Demonstrations Track, CEUR-WS Proceedings, Bethlehem, PA, USA, October, 2015. Vol 1486. bib pdf link
This paper introduces the idea of applying crowdsourcing to evolving ontology services; the goal is to facilitate collaborative maintenance of ontologies in real time as a side effect of annotating contents in legacy cataloging systems. The idea is being implemented in the use case of creating and managing a national level gazetteer of historical places in Finland.
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