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HELDIG - Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities

HELDIG is a Finnish research network and infrastructure for solving research problems in humanities and social sciences with novel computational methods, and for studying digitalization as a phenomenon. HELDIG also supports education in Digital Humanities and application development. Initiated as a major strategic profiling initiative at the University of Helsinki in 2016, the goal is to form an ecosystem that fosters collaboration between academic research groups, memory organisations, companies, and the general public.

SeCo represented Aalto University in planning HELDIG, and SeCo director Eero Hyvönen was invited to become the first director of HELDIG in August 2016. Jouni Tuominen was nominated as the research coordinator of HELDIG. The centre started its operations officially by arranging the HELDIG Kick-off Symposium.

Since then several SeCo researchers have been working at HELDIG that has become another homebase for the SeCo group. More information about the HELDIG activities can be found on its home page.


Eero Hyvönen, University of Helsinki (HELDIG) and Aalto University




Lora Aroyo, Franciska de Jong, Eero Hyvönen and Sara Tonelli: Web Semantics for Digital Humanities (editorial for a special issue). Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Elsevier, May, 2020. bib pdf


Eero Hyvönen: Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG): Developing the Digital World Together. EuropaNow, Council for European Studies (CES), Columbia University, September, 2019. bib pdf link



Eero Hyvönen, Mikko Tolonen, Arto Mustajoki and Hanna Snellman: Heldig - Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities Centres: Experiences and Perspectives. Warsaw, December 8-9, 2016, abstracts, Warsaw, Poland, Dec, 2016. bib pdf
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