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CORE - A Contextual Reader based on Linked Data

demonstrative video

CORE is a contextual reader application intended to improve user reading experience, particularly with regard to material in an unfamiliar domain.

CORE works by utilizing Linked Data reference vocabularies and datasets to identify entities in any PDF file or web page. For each discovered entity, pertinent information such as short descriptions, pictures, or maps are sourced and presented on a mouse-over, to allow users to familiarize themselves with any unfamiliar concepts, places, etc in the texts they are reading.

If further information is needed, an entity can be clicked to open a full context pane, which supports deeper contextualization (also visually, e.g. by displaying interactive timelines or maps). Here, CORE also facilitates serendipidous discovery of further related knowledge, by being able to bring in and suggest related resources from various repositories. Clicking on any such resource loads it into the contextual reader for endless further browsing.

In contrast to many other such systems, a CORE instance is always configured for a particular domain, thereby ensuring the contextual information provided is actually of use and interest to the end-user.

To provide its services, CORE makes use of dynamic, configurable entity recognition, in which modular lexical analysis services are combined with SPARQL queries to allow multilingual entity recognition against any vocabulary stored at a Linked Data endpoint. While in the future, it is intended for the application to be fully configurable using a web user interface, currently new instances have to be configured from the source code, which is released under the MIT open source license.

Credits: conceptual design by Thea Lindquist and Eetu Mäkelä, implementation by the latter. CORE was created as part of the WWI Linked Data project initiated and directed in Aalto University by Eero Hyvönen and by Thea Lindquist in University of Colorado Boulder.

System demonstrators

A Contextual Reader for First World War Primary Sources

Developed in collaboration with the University of Colorado Boulder

Demonstrative documents:

Vocabularies used:

Repositories used for sourcing related content:

(configuration file)

A Contextual Reader for Ancient Texts

Demonstrative documents:

Vocabularies used:

Repositories used for sourcing related content:

(configuration file)

A Contextual Reader for Finnish Law

Demonstrative documents:

Vocabularies used:

  • Asseri vocabulary of the Ministry of Justice
  • Edilex legal vocabulary from Edita Publishing
  • Finnish law vocabulary from Talentum Publishing
  • legal terminology section of the Finnish DBpedia

Repositories used for sourcing related content:

(configuration file)

Contact Person

D.Sc. Eetu Mäkelä, Aalto University



Eetu Mäkelä, Thea Lindquist and Eero Hyvönen: CORE - A Contextual Reader based on Linked Data. Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2016, long papers, pp. 267-269, Kraków, Poland, July, 2016. bib pdf link
CORE is a contextual reader application intended to improve user close reading experience, particularly with regard to material in an unfamiliar domain. CORE works by utilizing Linked Data reference vocabularies and datasets to identify entities in any PDF file or web page. For each discovered entity, pertinent information such as short descriptions, pictures, or maps are sourced and presented on a mouse-over, to allow users to familiarize themselves with any unfamiliar concepts, places, etc in the texts they are reading. If further information is needed, an entity can be clicked to open a full context pane, which supports deeper contextualization (also visually, e.g. by displaying interactive timelines or maps). Here, CORE also facilitates serendipitous discovery of further related knowledge, by being able to bring in and suggest related resources from various repositories. Clicking on any such resource loads it into the contextual reader for endless further browsing.
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