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Intelligent Web Services (IWebS) project

IWebS is a research direction of
the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo).

About the Project

The Intelligent Web Services (IWebS) research project studies the possibilities of the Semantic Web and Web Services technologies in both annotating services and delivering relevant services to end-users. The goal of IWebS is to create an intelligent yellow pages service, where semantically annotated services cover both static advertisements as in traditional yellow page services and dynamic services whose availability to the end-user depends on the context in which the user and the services are.

The main outputs of the IWebS project are intelligent annotation editor for service providers, ontologies for describing and storing the services, and intelligent reasoning engine for matching the static and dynamic services for the end-user.

The Research Institutions

Partnering organizations (2003-2005)

More Information

Press release of the National Technology Funding Agency Tekes (in Finnish).

Contact Person

prof. Eero Hyvönen (University of Helsinki & HIIT)

Fonecta TeliaSonera TietoEnator Tekes

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