EU-Project: MedIEQ 2006-2008
Goal: Quality Labeling of Medical Web Content using Multilingual Information Extraction
For more information: MedIEQ project website, check also: MedIEQ leaflets, press releases and dissemination activities.
In co-operation with:
- NCSR "Demokritos" , Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, Software and Knowledge engineering Laboratory
- Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia, UNED
- Web Medica Acreditada, WMA
- Agency for Quality in Medicine , AQUMED
- University of Economics in Prague, UEP
- I-sieve Technologies, Ltd.
- Helsinki University of Technology, HUT
- Geneva University Hospitals - Service of Medical Informatics, HUG
Contact Persons at SeCo
Researcher Kim Viljanen
Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Media Technology
first.last [at]
Prof. Eero Hyvönen
Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Media Technology and University of Helsinki
eero.hyvonen [at]