Yhdistetty avoin tieto Suomessa, perjantaina 26.3.2010

March 1st, 2010

FinnONTO-hanke järjestää yhdessä valtiovarainministeriön Valtiotason tietoarkkitehtuuri -hankkeen ja liikenne ja viestintäministeriön kanssa seminaarin “Yhdistetty avoin tieto Suomessa — Linked Open Data in Finland” puhujina ministeri Suvi Lindén, valtion IT-johtaja Yrjö Benson, Sitran kehitysjohtaja Ossi Kuittinen, toimitusjohtaja Mikael Jungner ja muita alan asiantuntijoita.

Yhteisöllinen semanttinen web 2.0 -tilaisuuden materiaalit nyt jaossa

January 18th, 2010

Perjantaina 15.1. järjestetyn Yhteisöllinen semanttinen web 2.0 -tilaisuden materiaalit ovat nyt jaossa seminaarin sivulla. Voit halutessasi liittyä myös FinnONTO:n tiedotuslistalle saman sivun kautta.

Tilaisuus onnistui hyvin ja yleisö oli innostunutta. Vastaamme mielellämme kysymyksiin ja otamme ilolla vastaan ideoita ja kommentteja tulevien tapahtumien kehittämiseksi. Yhteystiedot täällä.

Kiitos kaikille osallistuneille!

Yhteisöllinen semanttinen web 2.0 perjantaina 15.1.2010!

January 14th, 2010

Kansallinen Suomalaiset semanttisen webin ontologiat -hanke FinnONTO käynnistyi v. 2003. Siitä on kasvanut vuosien kuluessa tiettävästi Tekesin historian laajin projekti yrityskonsortion koolla mitattuna. FinnONTO 2.0:n kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena on kansallisen yhteisöllisen semanttisen webin infrastruktuurin. Seminaarissa esitellään FinnONTO 2.0 -hankkeen keskeisiä tuloksia tutkimuskaudelta 2008-2009 sekä tutkimuksen jatkoa 2010-2011, jossa kehitysalueena ovat mm. semanttisen webin jokapaikan mobiilisovellukset.

Tilaisuus on avoin ja maksuton. Ilmoittaudu nyt!

CfP: Ontology Repositories and Editors

January 13th, 2010

SeCo is participating in organizing The 1st International Workshop on Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web, ORES 2010, taking place at the Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2010 at Crete, in May-June this Summer. The call for papers is now public and deadline for submissions is March 1, 2010.

The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for networking and learning the global status of the Ontology repositories and editors!

SeCo’s own contributions in this field include the National Ontology Library ONKI and the Browser-based Annotation Editor SAHA.

SmartMuseum system demonstrated in Malta and Florence

December 16th, 2009

The SmartMuseum mobile system demonstrator was finished and demonstrated at the Cultural Heritage Online conference in Florence, Dec 15-16. The first public demonstration of the system took place in Malta at the Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO).

The SmartMuseum project homepage contains a video demonstration of the system and as well as other information about the system and research behind it.

Best Paper award at SEMAPRO 2009 conference

October 16th, 2009

The SmartMuseum paper

Innar Liiv, Tanel Tammet, Tuukka Ruotsalo and Alar Kuusik: Personalized Context-aware recommendations in SMARTMUSEUM: Combining Semantics with Statistics. Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO 2009), IEEE Computer Society, October, 2009. Sliema, Malta.

got the Best Paper award at the Third International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing.

HealthFinland awarded with the Semantic Web Challenge 2008 Award

November 17th, 2008

The semantic portal “HealthFinland — Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web”, created by SeCo as a part of the national FinnONTO-project, was awarded with the international Semantic Web Challenge Award at the 7th Intenational Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008) in Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct 30, 2008. The system prototype and information about the project is available at the HealthFinland home page.

CultureSampo – Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web. National Museum, Sept. 25, 2008.

September 16th, 2008

The semantic portal CultureSampo – Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web is released on Sept 25, 2008. The publication event is organized
at the National Museum of Finland. For more information, see
the event home page.

Finnish Ontology Library Service ONKI is on

September 16th, 2008

The national Finnish Ontology Library Service ONKI was released as a Living Laboratory service at http://www.yso.fi/ in a publication event on Sept 12., 2008. See the YouTube video below,
taken at the event. Notice the recommendations “Related videos” confusing “Onki” with e.g. the “Legend of Tom Onki” produced by YouTube. By using ONKI and URIs better semantic recommendations could be provided!

ONKI service contains national and international ontologies published as services for human users and for machines through AJAX and Web Service APIs. The system is being used in several mash-up applications at SeCo and outside of it. For more information, see ONKI site and the home page at SeCo.


SeCo released the prototype of HealthFinland – Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web

September 16th, 2008

SeCo released the prototype of ‘HealthFinland – Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web’
at a publication event on
Sept 12, 2008. For more information about this national semantic portal project, and for trying the system yourself, see our HealthFinland home page .