
Seamless Integration of Keyword Searching, Disambiguating Keyword Search Results

As a result of the keyword search for 'Nokia', a new dynamic facet has been created on the left. This facet contains all categories matching the keyword. This facet can be used for disambiguating keyword meanings.

In this case, the facet contains first Nokia as a manufacturer (actually an undifferentiated collection of all the companies called Nokia), then the city Nokia as a place of manufacture, then the same city Nokia as a place of usage. Following choices are Oy Nokia Ab, a shoe making company, and then Nokia-Mobira, an earlier instance of the current telephone company Nokia. Finally, we have two companies operating in the city of Nokia, another footwear company (Nokian Jalkinetehdas Oy) and a company producing cloths (Nokian Kutomo ja Värjäys Oy).

On the right, results from the keyword query are grouped as usual according to facet subcategories, in this case according to the newly created dynamic keyword facet. In addition, at the very bottom, there is an additional grouping. It contains items whose metadata descriptions match with the keywords of the search query but that could not be grouped into the other categories.

This concludes the tutorial. Thank you for following the steps. More information concerning MuseumFinland can be found on the MuseumFinland home page.



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Käsitehaku:tarkenna hakua
Hakusana: Nokia (poista)
Valmistaja > ... > Nokia (14)
Valmistuspaikka > ... > Nokia (32)
Käyttöpaikka > ... > Nokia (4)
Valmistaja > ... > Oy Nokia Ab (1)
Valmistaja > ... > Nokia-Mobira (1)
Valmistaja > ... > Nokian Jalkinetehdas Oy (7)
Valmistaja > ... > Nokian Kutomo ja Värjäys Oy (2)


Hakusana: Nokia   (ryhmittele kohteet) (poista)

Kohteet ryhmiteltyinä hakusanan Nokia mukaisesti

leluauto:henkilöauto (ECM 3594 47)
leluauto:lelukilpa-auto (ECM 3598 1)
Jalkineet, lapsen:kesäkengät (LKM LHM LHM ES 88014 4)
Jalkineet, miehen:samettikengät (LKM LHM LHM ES 93047 6)
pullo:olutpullo (ECM 3388 1)
korjauspakkaus:paikkauspakkaus (ECM 3594 262)
leluauto:henkilöauto (ECM 3594 47)
puhelin:matkapuhelin (ECM 3678 2)
pullo:olutpullo (ECM 3388 1)
jakkara:palli (ECM 3561 292)
leluauto:henkilöauto (ECM 3594 47)
puhelin:matkapuhelin (ECM 3678 2)
Jalkineet, naisen:kumisaappaat (LKM LHM LHM ES 2001025)
puhelin:matkapuhelin (ECM 3565 2)
Jalkineet, miehen:lenkkikengät (LKM LHM LHM ES 2000020 94)
Jalkineet, naisen:kumijalkineet (LKM LHM LHM ES 85015 175)
Jalkineet, lapsen:kumisaappaat (LKM LHM LHM ES 87034 4)
Jalkineet, naisen:kesäkengät (LKM LHM LHM ES 91032 7)
Pusero, lapsen:neulepusero, tytön (LKM LHM LHM ES 97070 331)
Yöpuku, naisen:trikooyöpaita (LKM LHM LHM ES 97070 354)
jalkineet:kangasjalkineet (ECM 3594 172)