
MuseumFinland Walkthrough

Welcome to MuseumFinland! This tutorial explains by means of a walkthrough the user interface of MuseumFinland (MuseoSuomi in Finnish), and what user needs its various functionalities fulfill.

This tutorial is organized as follows:

On each page, you will get a general English explanation of what is being explained in that section of the walkthrough, as well as what is visible on the page.

In addition to this, some major elements of the user interface not intimately involved in the walkthrough are annotated with context-sensitive English tooltips that can be viewed by placing the mouse over the element. These annotations give further information about the context of the walkthrough step as well as point to other functionalities of the user interface not covered in the walkthrough. Such elements can be identified by a dashed violet border.

The link you should be following in the walkthrough will be identified by a dashed red border. All other links take you away from this tutorial into the MuseumFinland system proper.

To quickly navigate the tutorial, use the > and < icons on the bottom right of each instruction page. To close this pop-up instruction window in order to view the user interface, click on the X icon. To re-read the pop-up instructions, click on the question mark icon ? that appears on the upper left corner of the user interface. Alternately, this instruction window is fully movable across the user interface just by clicking and dragging on it.

Now, click on the > icon to move on to step 1 of the walkthrough.



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Viime aikoina katsottuja esineitä:

kirnu:puukirnu (ECM 286 1)
Valokuva:Toivo Mattila vaakamestari (LKM LHM LHM ES 90064 44)
Eerik XIV, miniatyyri (NBA H1261 2)
Kustaa I, miniatyyri (NBA H1261 1)
Valokuva:teurastamon henkilökuntaa (LKM LHM LHM ES 90064 42)